Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sparkle Sparkle!

So I was running (said like Forrest Gump) the other day… I was at a trail where I enjoy running and it was one of those cold beautiful days.  I had finished my run and stopped at the bridge where I was just going to stretch and check out the water below, and there was an otter!  That is irrelevant to my story but was still quite exciting and cute.  Once I started walking back in my cool down to the car I was paying a little closer attention to the ground below me for whatever reason and I noticed that there were tons of little silver specks on the trail that would glitter beautifully when the sun hit off them.  I’ve run here tons of times but for whatever reason- time of day… amount of tree cover… number of people… I don’t know- I had never really noticed them before.  I love things that sparkle and shine so it is odd it never registered with me prior to this run.  As I watched- what I did notice is that the ground was only wonderfully sparkly when the sun was on it… when I passed parts in the shade- no sparkle. 

It dawned on me that we are all like those little silver specks- whatever they are, some type of stone bit.  We are all designed to “sparkle” and “shine” (shine sounds manlier I guess) but we can only do that by reflecting light.  We can’t produce that light on our own- we can only reflect God’s light, and in order to do that we have to be in God’s light.  You can’t reflect light when you are in the darkness- so you have to know you were designed to shine and put yourself in a place where you can shine.  Different people sparkle in different ways and by doing different things (thank goodness we aren’t all the same!), but you can’t in the darkness.  So get out of the darkness and find where you were meant to shine.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Burn-out… It is the new craze!

Recently… as in since college I guess, I have been overwhelmed with this new craze of “burn-out”.  Now it is not called that, if it were people wouldn’t be going crazy to sign up for it like they currently are!  Nay nay… it goes by other, more appealing names like, “coaching soccer” or “being a Sunday school teacher” or “running this really cool new program”.  The problem is not any one of those things- they are all great, and people are needed for them… the phenomenon of Burn-out is that ONE person signs up to do them all- whilst living their life, taking care of their other job, family, and relationships to boot.

I love service- serving is great and I strongly feel we are all called to serve, however we aren’t called to serve in EVERYTHING.  Just because it is good doesn’t mean you have to do it. I personally find it frustrating when I want to build friendships with people- and they are busy doing these eight other things (not that I am innocent of this at all- but being the recipient has helped me see the issue more fully). It is great to help out and serve in any of these ways, but if that comes at the expense of having your own time to rest and refresh, especially in the Lord, then it is NOT a good thing- no matter how great the job/title/program sounds.

Jesus was busy doing ministry all over- healing people, giving lessons, visiting friends, teaching the disciples, etc. but you know what he valued and guarded? We look to Luke 5:16 which says “But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.” If whatever you are doing takes away from your time to pray- to be with God- to refresh… then what are you doing it for?  Because it isn’t for God at that point- it is for some other person, applause or yourself… the ones that you are going to or seeking the most.  It could even be the image of God you’ve created- because how do you really know someone who don’t spend any time with? Don’t become so busy doing things FOR God, that you forget to spend time WITH God. If Jesus needed to get away- how much more so do we? 

The solution to burn-out? Rest! Jesus did it- sometimes it means saying NO and guarding that which is more important.  The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, and he will use whatever means available to do that- even “good” things and worthy-just causes.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Prayer for Healing!

Sunsets… sunrises… flowers finally coming to bloom after this long, cold, seemingly endless winter… people smiling… babies… the Oriole’s hitting homeruns…
These are all things that can be beautiful and bring joy.  

Over the next 40 days I am embarking on a prayer journey (inspired by Mark Batterson’s book, “The Circle Maker”) for my Mom’s eyesight to be restored by Mother’s Day 2014.  It has been getting worse and worse since 1988- she stopped driving around 2000 and it has continued to decline.  She has had some surgeries that have not been successful.  She has never once complained! She is a woman of strength and such a trooper.  However, her vision is now at an all-time low.  Instead of any improvement things have just continued getting worse.

Throughout the next 40 days as I pray, I want to ask you to join in and when you see something that brings a smile to your face, be reminded to:
1. Be grateful for the gift of vision or corrective equipment that enables you to see
2. Say a prayer for God to restore her vision! 

I believe that God is able to heal her vision- he created her and her eyes and He is capable of miracles.  Jesus healed many blind people during his time on earth.  Please join this army in praying “circles” around the wall of blindness and making it fall like the wall of Jericho.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Called Me Higher Song

Called Me Higher by All Sons and Daughters

The above song in my life right now :) Lyrics:

I could just sit
I could just sit and wait for all Your goodness
Hope to feel Your presence
And I could just stay
I could just stay right where I am and hope to feel You
Hope to feel something again

And I could hold on
I could hold on to who I am and never let You
Change me from the inside
And I could be safe
I could be safe here in Your arms and never leave home
Never let these walls down

But You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You will lead me Lord
You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You lead me Lord
Where You lead me
Where You lead me Lord

And I could hold on
I could hold on to who I am and never let You
Change me from the inside
And I could be safe
I could be safe here in Your arms and never leave home
Never let these walls down

But You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You will lead me Lord
You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You lead me Lord
Where You lead me

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life
So let Your mercy

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life
So let Your mercy light the path before me

Cause You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You will lead me Lord

Where You lead me
Where You lead me Lord

Monday, March 24, 2014

Short and Sweet... unlike this winter

Went on a very cold walk today at lunch- I love winter and I would rather be cold than hot but it is about time to warm up.  I want to see flowers growing and be able to walk outside and wear my dresses  (which I have way too many of, I know).  

As so many are looking forward to warmer weather and spring, it was a reminder to me today that even when we go through the cold and hard times in our lives... when there seems to be hope it will end and it snows again- and a polar vortex blows through- there is still hope.  There will be a spring time and a time of new life and growth and it will be beautiful and even more greatly appreciated than the spring after a mild winter.  Keep weathering the cold and hard- there is hope, even if you don't know when it will come!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

If you were promised everything you wanted in 2014- success in your weight loss resolution, finding your husband/wife or having a perfect year with your spouse, having perfectly behaved children, being able to eat anything and gain no weight, build all the muscle mass you could imagine, no one would get sick or die, win the lottery, get a promotion, buy a house, anything…. you name it… but God was not with you this year would you want it?

It is a hard question- especially at this time as we set resolutions and goals for how we are going to have a better year- or be a better me this year.  What is more important- things going well or God's presence, even if that means things aren't peachy?

Remember those hard moments, the ones you mess up, where you fall short and realize you can’t do it on your own.  Those are precious because you weren't meant to- when you realize you can't you become aware that you need God because no matter how much you try you can’t take on this year, this month, this week, this day, even this hour without him. We would burn out.

Exodus 33:15-17:
Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."

Stable Heart (belated Christmas post)

I want a Stable heart. I mean everyone wants a healthy, stable heart- but I am talking Stable heart… the Stable Jesus was born in that first Christmas night.  One of my favorite Christmas songs is “No Room (The Innkeeper)” by Todd Agnew- link to lyrics: It is sung from the viewpoint of the innkeeper that Christmas night, being busy and having too much going on in her/his life to have to make room for this couple.

Being busy and running around- getting gifts, going to parties, wrapping presents, baking cookies, watching movies, play practices, you name it.  There is so much going on and it seems like time just flies by in December.  This must have been how the innkeeper was feeling.  ‘There is so much to do and focus on- I can’t pay attention to this couple and their child to be.’ This is why I want a “Stable” heart and not the “Inn” heart. I don’t want to have a heart at Christmas that is so distracted and caught up in doing things that I miss Jesus when he is right in front of my face. The inn was doing great business at that time, I am sure it would have been decorated all fancy for Christmas in modern times, yet it missed out.  The stable was not clean, it had animals, it wasn’t glamorous but it was open and available for Christ to come that night.

I want a Stable heart, not caught up in the season so much that it misses Christmas, but one that is ready to receive.