I love December! Kind of sad November is over challenge wise, because the media was kind of nice and I was getting used to it. Today I listened to the radio going to work, a pastor I like to listen to in the morning. It took me awhile to remember some of my passwords... And then it just seemed like too much to try and keep up with.
People coming from all directions. And then I was thinking, what if I just do it again? More media pausing. I really wanted my Spotify Christmas playlist though... And now I can finally see how Sherlock ends. And get some Psych DVDs from the library...
December is possessions month. That means I am going to get 7 things away, every day! I realize the hard part of this is actually doing it. I'm really excited about the actual giving things away part because I have far too much stuff. Some people call me a borderline hoarder... But I just have a creative mind and see lots of uses for things that other people don't and then find it hard to get rid of!
The exciting part about this is that it is the month of Christmas, so picking good things to give away will be cool. Ideally, it will also keep me from wanting to buy lots of stuff for myself as I realize how much I already have and the capacity I have to bless people I have already accumulated. I've been trying to find a good organization to give things to that will help people the most.